有这么一俗语:柳枝加盐巴,活到九十八。这是古人提倡刷牙的俗语。   那么问题来了,古代中原的盐的来源主要是井盐和海盐(当时青盐产量太少暂不考虑),由于工艺的限制,井盐有卤味,海盐有腥味。富贵人家自然不原意直接使用,于是就有了竹盐。   由于竹盐不但没有异味,而且还带有清香味,在中、上层社会迅速普及,使用范围也从最初的“牙膏”,扩展到了浴盐、药材(盐本身就是一位药材)方面。

"Setiap penyakit pasti ada penawarnya."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Balancing & Regulating
  • Bamboo salt has great balancing & regulating effects on healing & rehabilitation of human body.
  • The natural structure of minerals & trace elements in bamboo salt not only enriches the content but also improves its absorption in human body.
  • Bamboo salt can eleminate modern diseases from the root cause by regulating the acid-base balance because it is a strong alkaline food (pH 10.5-11.0)
  • Bamboo salt restores metabolism order, promotes digestion & excretions as well as nutrients absorption to boost vitality by enhancing the osmotic pressure function.
High-energy material - The unique method of burning bamboo salt in a temperature higher than 1000 degree celcius makes bamboo salt a far-infrared ray radiator, and turns it from an ordinary food into a high-energy food. Besides, bamboo salt improves greatly the quality of human body from the basic level by enhancing the ability of water molecule in the body. It greatly improves metabolism, enhances immune system, removes impurities from blood & promote tissue regeneration.


Bamboo salt has amazing effect on anti-oxidation, free radicals removal & restorative capacity. It can block the predatory behavior of free radicals & heals the damaged cells immediately.

It is one of the mineral-rich foods in the world& a tresure-house which stores various minerals & trace elements widely from the ocean, land & forest on earth. After burning in temperatures more than 1000 degree celcius, minerals & trace elements still maintain their primitive & natural conditions, the most original, balanced & perfect structure given by mother nature in ecosystem.

With an abundance of magnesium & selenium, it makes bamboo salt a powerful oxidant, free radicals remover as well as having strong regulation & restorative capacity. Magnesium is known as the mineral, good for our heart. It improves hypertension, promotes iron absorption, maintains a balanced body fluid, regulates muscle contraction & strengthens memory. On the other hand, selenium is an oxidant which effectively prevents the ageing & tissue hardening to protect heart & blood vessels as well as having anti-tumor effects.

For more info: www.e-smartgroupinternational.com and click Testimonials. And also more at search engine. Email: haomin796@yahoo.co.uk / handphone: +60126399276 Michael

1 comment:

  1. Contains more than 76 essential minerals and micro nutrients. High calcium, magnesium and zinc. High sulfur from bamboo tree trunk, may helps purifying blood thus lowering the blood pressure. High oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Anti-oxidant helps to prevent ageing. High pH up to 11. More alkaline nature helps to neutralize the acidic toxins in our body.
