有这么一俗语:柳枝加盐巴,活到九十八。这是古人提倡刷牙的俗语。   那么问题来了,古代中原的盐的来源主要是井盐和海盐(当时青盐产量太少暂不考虑),由于工艺的限制,井盐有卤味,海盐有腥味。富贵人家自然不原意直接使用,于是就有了竹盐。   由于竹盐不但没有异味,而且还带有清香味,在中、上层社会迅速普及,使用范围也从最初的“牙膏”,扩展到了浴盐、药材(盐本身就是一位药材)方面。

"Setiap penyakit pasti ada penawarnya."

Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Blood & Body Fluids are strikingly similar to Sea Water!

We have salty tears and salty perspiration. The chemical and mineral composition of our blood and body fluids are strikingly similar to sea water. Unborn babies are encased in a sack of saline fluid resembling sea water.
 Sea water contains 84 different mineral elements, and these same minerals are found in our body. According to modern medical research, 24 of these elements are essential for life (you will die without them), and many researchers believe that we need all 84, in proper balance, of course. Loss of these elements creates a dietary deficiency, which can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system, brain damage, muscle damage or other serious illnesses. 
Some researchers believe that these minerals are essential to help prevent cancer, exhaustion, memory loss, rapid aging, obesity, water retention, ulcers, poor teeth and bones, decreased sex drive, and other serious conditions.
 The way refined table salt is made extracts 82 out of the 84 mineral elements. Why, if these elements are so good for you, do the salt refineries do this? Normally, only 7% of the refined salt ends up on your table. The majority of the salt is sold for industrial use, and has great commercial value. 
 It is used in the silver mining process. Boron is extracted to make      aTake your choice...to your healthnti-knock gasoline additives and chemical fertilizers. Magnesium is sold to makers of metal alloys and for explosives. Other chemicals are removed from salt to make plastics. Then, after taking all of the natural, but saleable, mineral elements out of the salt, chemicals are added to bleach it whiter, prevent water absorption while the salt is in the box, and to make it shake out easier.  
 The problem with this process is that the chemicals added to salt to prevent water absorption also prevent it from being properly absorbed in your body.
 That's why we're hearing that salt's bad for you! Refined salt IS bad for you! It can be deposited in the joints of your bones, and cause arthritis. Some of it can be deposited in the walls of your arteries and veins, lymph system ducts, sexual organs, urinary tract, or glandular system.

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