有这么一俗语:柳枝加盐巴,活到九十八。这是古人提倡刷牙的俗语。 那么问题来了,古代中原的盐的来源主要是井盐和海盐(当时青盐产量太少暂不考虑),由于工艺的限制,井盐有卤味,海盐有腥味。富贵人家自然不原意直接使用,于是就有了竹盐。 由于竹盐不但没有异味,而且还带有清香味,在中、上层社会迅速普及,使用范围也从最初的“牙膏”,扩展到了浴盐、药材(盐本身就是一位药材)方面。
"Setiap penyakit pasti ada penawarnya."
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
The Kind of Leader Others Want to Follow
The Kind of Leader Others Want to Follow
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go. As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go. As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
- Let go of your ego. The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. They lead in order to serve other people. Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, "Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things, and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things."
- Become a good follower first. Rare is the effective leader who didn't learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United States Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first - and why West Point has produced more leaders than the Harvard Business School.
- Build positive relationships. Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. That means it is by nature relational. Today's generation of leaders seem particularly aware of this because title and position mean so little to them. They know intuitively that people go along with people they get along with.
- Work with excellence. No one respects and follows mediocrity. Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.
- Rely on discipline, not emotion. Leadership is often easy during the good times. It's when everything seems to be against you - when you're out of energy, and you don't want to lead - that you earn your place as a leader. During every season of life, leaders face crucial moments when they must choose between gearing up or giving up. To make it through those times, rely on the rock of discipline, not the shifting sand of emotion.
- Make adding value your goal. When you look at the leaders whose names are revered long after they have finished leading, you find that they were men and women who helped people to live better lives and reach their potential. That is the highest calling of leadership - and its highest value.
- Give your power away. One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You're meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Kebaikan Garam Buluh
Kenapa atau punca seseorang itu gagal dalam perniagaannya atau apa yang diusahakannya?
a) Kalah dengan kritikan
b) Mudah kecewa (jiwa yang rapuh)
c) Tak Sabar (Nak Cepat Kaya)
d) Malu tak kena Tempat
f) Tidak mendengar nasihat mentor
g) Tidak mendengar pandangan prospek
h) Tidak percaya pada diri sendiri.
i) Tak mahu belajar
j) Cepat berpuas hati dengan pencapaian
k) Bersikap Negatif
Moga ianya bermanfaat untuk sahabat semua. Sekian, jumpa di kemuncak kejayaan!
Kalau berminat, sila hubungi En. Michael Hong +60126399276 untuk lebih matlumat!
i) Tak mahu belajar
j) Cepat berpuas hati dengan pencapaian
k) Bersikap Negatif
Moga ianya bermanfaat untuk sahabat semua. Sekian, jumpa di kemuncak kejayaan!
Kalau berminat, sila hubungi En. Michael Hong +60126399276 untuk lebih matlumat!
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100%
天然有机日晒盐为原料。海鸥生命竹盐比普通食盐提供更丰富的矿物质(例如:镁、钙、钾、铜、铁、锌等)和多达 200
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国天然有机日晒盐为原料。将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。烧烤过程把盐里含有的重金属等有 害物质或杂质皆被中和或去除,另外松木(松脂,松油)及竹子(200 多种人体所需的微量元素)的精华融入盐中,增加了人体不可或缺的镁、钙、钾、铜、铁、锌等无机金属离子,营养价值比海盐好。
人体需要盐,因为盐是维持人体正常发育不可缺少的物质。它调节人体内水份均衡的分布,维持细胞内外的渗透压,参与胃酸的形成,促使消化液的分泌,能增进食 欲;同时,还保证胃蛋白酶作用所必需的酸碱度,维持体内酸碱度的平衡,和体液的正常循环。而海鸥生命竹盐不含任何添加物、重金属和化学物质,还有丰富的矿 物质和微量元素,以海鸥生命竹盐取代普通食盐,为身体提供最佳的健康元素。
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国天然有机日晒盐为原料。将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。烧烤过程把盐里含有的重金属等有 害物质或杂质皆被中和或去除,另外松木(松脂,松油)及竹子(200 多种人体所需的微量元素)的精华融入盐中,增加了人体不可或缺的镁、钙、钾、铜、铁、锌等无机金属离子,营养价值比海盐好。
人体需要盐,因为盐是维持人体正常发育不可缺少的物质。它调节人体内水份均衡的分布,维持细胞内外的渗透压,参与胃酸的形成,促使消化液的分泌,能增进食 欲;同时,还保证胃蛋白酶作用所必需的酸碱度,维持体内酸碱度的平衡,和体液的正常循环。而海鸥生命竹盐不含任何添加物、重金属和化学物质,还有丰富的矿 物质和微量元素,以海鸥生命竹盐取代普通食盐,为身体提供最佳的健康元素。
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100%
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100% 天然有机日晒盐为原料,将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。直到竹筒烧成灰,天日盐呈现柱状。竹盐在经过制作过程中 已经把所有对人体有伤害的物质(例如:重金属、化学物质)消除,另外其营养价值更被大量提高。大部分普通食盐都经过化学加工,钠比例也比较高,长时间食用 对人体有害。
可以,但是份量必需改为 1/4 -1/2 包。
海鸥生命竹盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100% 天然有机日晒盐为原料,将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。直到竹筒烧成灰,天日盐呈现柱状。竹盐在经过制作过程中 已经把所有对人体有伤害的物质(例如:重金属、化学物质)消除,另外其营养价值更被大量提高。大部分普通食盐都经过化学加工,钠比例也比较高,长时间食用 对人体有害。
可以,但是份量必需改为 1/4 -1/2 包。
- 清除体内毒素(例如:重金属、化学物质、病菌、代谢废物、酸毒、自由基)。
- 增强肠道蠕动,消除宿便。
- 提供人体矿物质和微量元素。
- 调节人体机能,人体系统正常运作。
- 调节人体酸碱平衡,恢复碱性体质。
- 提高人体修复力。
第二类是细菌、病菌、病毒等毒素。在现实生活中,我们发现有许多慢性炎症和细菌、病菌并没有因 为药物的发展而减少或灭绝。恰恰相反,这些毒素在大量的抗生素和药物的作用下,反而产生了抗体,生命力越发旺盛。竹盐的消炎、抗菌、中和毒素的能力是惊人 的,几乎可以说是食品中无比的。对这一类毒素的清理也是药物所不及的。
不过竹盐其实不是新东西。在韩国,它大概可以算得上“民族瑰宝”了。古时的僧侣把盐装在精心选择的竹筒中,用天然黄土封上,再用特定的松枝烘烤,最后得到 的固体粉末就是竹盐。这个过程往往要反复进行,“好”的竹盐会进行九次。古代韩国人用这样的竹盐来治疗多种疾病,据说有“奇效”。这样的炼制过程颇有中国 道家炼丹的意味——精选的材料、长时间的炼制,所以在对竹盐的宣传中,经常宣称集中了“大自然的精华”“几十种微量元素”,具有“抗氧化”“清除自由基” “消炎”“杀菌”“排毒”“减肥”等功效。
第一类是重金属毒素。竹盐中含有天然硫磺和松脂的成分,这两种成分是中和、化解重金属毒素最有效的物质,许多国家的科学实验已充分证明了这一点。再加上竹盐能放射大量的远红外线,远红外线对重金属毒素的排除,也有相当大的作用。第二类是细菌、病菌、病毒等毒素。在现实生活中,我们发现有许多慢性炎症和细菌、病菌并没有因 为药物的发展而减少或灭绝。恰恰相反,这些毒素在大量的抗生素和药物的作用下,反而产生了抗体,生命力越发旺盛。竹盐的消炎、抗菌、中和毒素的能力是惊人 的,几乎可以说是食品中无比的。对这一类毒素的清理也是药物所不及的。
竹盐能强化了人体内水分子的能力,就从根本上改变了一个生命体的质量。竹盐对新陈代谢的改善、免疫功能的强化、身体血液障碍的清除、组织再生能力的加强都有特效。同时在增加抗痉挛能力、抑制知觉神经异常兴奋、调解自律神经等方面也都有很大的助益,对癌症的预防、糖尿病、高血压、肥胖症、肠胃疾病、前 列腺肥大、风湿病等许多现代病都有明显效果。其最重要的原因之一就在于竹盐是高能量食品,能稳定充分地放射远红外线,发挥了远红外线的作用。
竹盐是抗氧化、清除自由基、还原力的食品。它能释放大量的电子,它不仅能阻断自由基疯狂的掠夺行为,而且还能够及时修补被自由基损害的细胞。也就是说,竹盐卓越的抗氧化功能、卓越的清除自由基的功能、卓越的还原力,都基于一个事实——还原生命的能力。 竹盐是矿物质及微量元素的宝库,是目前世界上矿物质最为丰富的食品之一。竹盐囊括了大海、陆地、森林等地球上几十种矿物质及多种微量元素,而且运用了中国古 老神秘的加热方式,秉承道家的炼丹术及其他一些方法,经1000℃ 多度的高温烧烤,使得竹盐中的矿物质和微量元素仍然保持着原始、天然的状态,完好无损地保持着大自然给予的、生态系中矿物质原本最初的平衡结构。而这一点 恰恰是所有的加工食品都不能够做到的,也是竹盐的品质与众不同、天下一绝的根据所在。也就是说,有了竹盐,我们就不愁身体会生锈;即使已经生锈的细胞和机 体,也会因为食用竹盐而还原到最初的最佳状态。 竹盐含有丰富的微量元素——硒,这是竹盐具有卓越的抗氧化、清除自由基、还原力强的另一个重要原因。我们知道,硒是人体必需的微量元素。成年人每天约需0.4毫克。硒具有抗氧化、抗衰老的作用。硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的成分,该酶使有毒的过氧化物还原为无害的羟基化合物,从而保护细胞组织不受过氧化物的危害。不饱和脂肪酸尤其是高级不饱和脂肪酸在体内可被氧化成脂质过氧化物,过多的过氧化物可损害机体组织,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶可防止对机体组织的损害,从而达到抗氧化、抗衰老的目的。能使细胞膜中的脂类免受过氧化物的作用,从而保护了细胞膜。不过竹盐其实不是新东西。在韩国,它大概可以算得上“民族瑰宝”了。古时的僧侣把盐装在精心选择的竹筒中,用天然黄土封上,再用特定的松枝烘烤,最后得到 的固体粉末就是竹盐。这个过程往往要反复进行,“好”的竹盐会进行九次。古代韩国人用这样的竹盐来治疗多种疾病,据说有“奇效”。这样的炼制过程颇有中国 道家炼丹的意味——精选的材料、长时间的炼制,所以在对竹盐的宣传中,经常宣称集中了“大自然的精华”“几十种微量元素”,具有“抗氧化”“清除自由基” “消炎”“杀菌”“排毒”“减肥”等功效。
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Cancer Treatment
cancer comes from within the Patient’s
body, whatever
the patient selects must address
four factors:
1) Cancer
must change
the body chemistry from acidic to
Bamboo Salt for drinking which contained high alkaline pH 10-11)
and other diseases thrive in an acidic body.
But you can easily change your body chemistry. And when your body
becomes alkaline, cancer gets the message that it’s
no longer welcome and will no longer be tolerated.
2) Cancer
must detoxify the body.(refer
Bamboo Salt for detox) Toxins
put a heavy
on the immune system.
rid of the toxins helps the body get back into a state of vibrant
3) Cancer
treatment must strengthen
the immune system.
Cancer cells are normally“no big deal.” Just about everybody
cells every day. But a strong and healthy immune system can mop up
cancer cells faster than our bodies can produce them. When cancer
runs out of control, you can be sure that the immune system has
become too weak to kill off the multiplying cancer cells.
4) Cancer
treatment must increase
the oxygenation of the cells.
Cancer cells are anaerobic; they
need sugar
thrive and multiply.
Cancer cells react to oxygenation the way a vampire would react to
broad daylight. And when
healthy cells get
oxygen, they produce more energy.
Your health becomes more vibrant.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
心想事成的秘密(The Secret)
Benefits of Bamboo Salt
Origin of Bamboo Salt
For more information: Email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk / contact no. +60126399276 Michael
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is an
important component of a healthy diet. It is essential for the normal
growth and maintenance of bones and teeth. In addition, it plays an
important part in muscle contraction, oocyte activation, blood clotting,
nerve impulse transmission, regulating heartbeat, and fluid balance
within cells. Calcium requirements must be met throughout life, but
requirements are greatest during periods of growth, such as childhood,
during pregnancy and when breast-feeding. vitamin D is needed to absorb
Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, in which the bone deteriorates and there is an increased risk of fractures. Overretention, on the other hand, can cause kidney stones.
Milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are a prime source of calcium and are also fortified with vitamin D. Calcium needs can be met by consuming at least three or four servings of dairy products daily. It should be noted that some dairy products, such as hard cheese and whole milk, contain significant amounts of saturated fat, which can contribute to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, a diet consisting of low-fat dairy products should be considered. Recommended daily calcium intake varies from 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams (mg), depending upon the person's stage of life.
Some individuals are allergic to dairy products and even more people, particularly those of non-European descent, are lactose-intolerant, leaving them unable to consume dairy products. Fortunately, there are many other good sources of calcium. These include: seaweeds such as kelp, wakame, and hijiki; nuts and seeds, including almonds and sesame; beans; seafood, such as oysters and shrimp; soft-boned fish; amaranth; whole wheat; collard greens; okra; rutabaga; and broccoli. In addition, several products are fortified with calcium, including soya milk, rice milk, orange juice, and bread.
Adapted from:
Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, in which the bone deteriorates and there is an increased risk of fractures. Overretention, on the other hand, can cause kidney stones.
Milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are a prime source of calcium and are also fortified with vitamin D. Calcium needs can be met by consuming at least three or four servings of dairy products daily. It should be noted that some dairy products, such as hard cheese and whole milk, contain significant amounts of saturated fat, which can contribute to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, a diet consisting of low-fat dairy products should be considered. Recommended daily calcium intake varies from 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams (mg), depending upon the person's stage of life.
Some individuals are allergic to dairy products and even more people, particularly those of non-European descent, are lactose-intolerant, leaving them unable to consume dairy products. Fortunately, there are many other good sources of calcium. These include: seaweeds such as kelp, wakame, and hijiki; nuts and seeds, including almonds and sesame; beans; seafood, such as oysters and shrimp; soft-boned fish; amaranth; whole wheat; collard greens; okra; rutabaga; and broccoli. In addition, several products are fortified with calcium, including soya milk, rice milk, orange juice, and bread.
Dietary calcium supplements
In the United States, between about 50 percent and 75 percent of adults do not get sufficient calcium in their diet.[1] For this reason, individuals may consider taking dietary calcium supplements.- Calcium carbonate is the most common and least expensive calcium supplement. It can be difficult to digest and causes gas in some people. Taking magnesium with it can help to prevent constipation. Calcium carbonate is 40 percent elemental calcium, which means that 1,000 mg will provide 400 mg of calcium. Taking this supplement with food can aid in absorption.
- Calcium citrate is more easily absorbed (bioavailability is 2.5 times higher than calcium carbonate), easier to digest, and less likely to cause constipation and gas than calcium carbonate. It also has a lower risk of contributing to the formation of kidney stones. Calcium citrate is 21 percent elemental calcium, which means that 1,000 mg will provide 210 mg of calcium. It is more expensive than calcium carbonate and more of it must be taken to get the same amount of calcium.
- Calcium phosphate costs more than calcium carbonate, but less than calcium citrate. It is easily absorbed and is less likely to cause constipation and gas than either.
- Calcium lactate and calcium aspartate are more easily digested but more expensive than calcium carbonate.
Adapted from:
Bamboo Salt Rich in Magnesium
Magnesium ions are essential for the cells of all known living organisms. Many enzymes require the presence of magnesium ions for their catalytic action. Plants have an additional use for magnesium in that chlorophylls
contain magnesium. The adult human daily nutritional requirement (which
depends on various factors including sex and body size) is 300-400
milligrams (mg) per day.
Too much magnesium in the diet can make it difficult for the human body to absorb calcium. On the other hand, inadequate magnesium intake has been associated with muscle spasms, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and osteoporosis. Acute deficiency is rare, and is more common as a drug side effect (such as chronic alcohol or diuretic use) than from low food intake per se. The incidence of chronic deficiency, resulting in less than optimal health, is debated.
The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) upper tolerated limit for supplemental magnesium is 350 mg/day (calculated as mg of Mg elemental in the salt). The most common symptom of excess oral magnesium intake is diarrhea. Given that the kidneys of adult humans excrete excess magnesium efficiently, oral magnesium poisoning in adults with normal renal function, is very rare. Infants have reduced ability to excrete excess magnesium even when healthy, so they should not be given magnesium supplements, except under a physician's care.
The magnesium content of refined foods is usually low. Whole-wheat bread, for example, has twice as much magnesium as white bread because the magnesium-rich germ and bran are removed when white flour is processed.
Water can provide magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. "Hard" water contains more magnesium than "soft" water. Dietary surveys do not estimate magnesium intake from water, which may lead to underestimating total magnesium intake and its variability.
The following figures indicate the amount of magnesium in some foods:
Too much magnesium in the diet can make it difficult for the human body to absorb calcium. On the other hand, inadequate magnesium intake has been associated with muscle spasms, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and osteoporosis. Acute deficiency is rare, and is more common as a drug side effect (such as chronic alcohol or diuretic use) than from low food intake per se. The incidence of chronic deficiency, resulting in less than optimal health, is debated.
The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) upper tolerated limit for supplemental magnesium is 350 mg/day (calculated as mg of Mg elemental in the salt). The most common symptom of excess oral magnesium intake is diarrhea. Given that the kidneys of adult humans excrete excess magnesium efficiently, oral magnesium poisoning in adults with normal renal function, is very rare. Infants have reduced ability to excrete excess magnesium even when healthy, so they should not be given magnesium supplements, except under a physician's care.
Food sources
Magnesium is present in many foods, but it usually occurs in small amounts. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from a single food. Eating a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and plenty of whole grains, helps ensure an adequate intake of magnesium. Green vegetables such as spinach provide magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium. Nuts—especially almonds), seeds, and some whole grains—are also good sources of magnesium.The magnesium content of refined foods is usually low. Whole-wheat bread, for example, has twice as much magnesium as white bread because the magnesium-rich germ and bran are removed when white flour is processed.
Water can provide magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. "Hard" water contains more magnesium than "soft" water. Dietary surveys do not estimate magnesium intake from water, which may lead to underestimating total magnesium intake and its variability.
The following figures indicate the amount of magnesium in some foods:
- spinach (1/2 cup): 80 mg
- peanut butter (2 tablespoons): 50 mg
- black-eyed peas (1/2 cup): 45 mg
- milk: low fat (1 cup): 40 mg
Information on Pancreas
1: Head of pancreas
2: Uncinate process of pancreas
3: Pancreatic notch
4: Body of pancreas
5: Anterior surface of pancreas
6: Inferior surface of pancreas
7: Superior margin of pancreas
8: Anterior margin of pancreas
9: Inferior margin of pancreas
10: Omental tuber
11: Tail of pancreas
12: Duodenum
2: Uncinate process of pancreas
3: Pancreatic notch
4: Body of pancreas
5: Anterior surface of pancreas
6: Inferior surface of pancreas
7: Superior margin of pancreas
8: Anterior margin of pancreas
9: Inferior margin of pancreas
10: Omental tuber
11: Tail of pancreas
12: Duodenum
Gray's subject
#251 1199
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, Superior pancreaticoduodenal
Pancreaticoduodenal veins
pancreatic buds
Pancreas | |
1: Head of pancreas 2: Uncinate process of pancreas 3: Pancreatic notch 4: Body of pancreas 5: Anterior surface of pancreas 6: Inferior surface of pancreas 7: Superior margin of pancreas 8: Anterior margin of pancreas 9: Inferior margin of pancreas 10: Omental tuber 11: Tail of pancreas 12: Duodenum |
Gray's | subject #251 1199 |
Artery | Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery |
Vein | Pancreaticoduodenal veins |
Nerve | Pancreatic plexus, celiac ganglia, vagus[1] |
Precursor | pancreatic buds |
Our Blood & Body Fluids are strikingly similar to Sea Water!
have salty tears and salty perspiration. The chemical and mineral composition of our blood
and body fluids are strikingly similar to sea water. Unborn babies are encased in a sack
of saline fluid resembling sea water.
Sea water contains 84 different mineral elements, and these same minerals are found in our body. According to modern medical research, 24 of these elements are essential for life (you will die without them), and many researchers believe that we need all 84, in proper balance, of course. Loss of these elements creates a dietary deficiency, which can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system, brain damage, muscle damage or other serious illnesses.
Sea water contains 84 different mineral elements, and these same minerals are found in our body. According to modern medical research, 24 of these elements are essential for life (you will die without them), and many researchers believe that we need all 84, in proper balance, of course. Loss of these elements creates a dietary deficiency, which can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system, brain damage, muscle damage or other serious illnesses.
Some researchers
believe that these minerals are essential to help prevent cancer, exhaustion,
memory loss, rapid aging, obesity, water retention, ulcers, poor teeth and
bones, decreased sex drive, and other serious conditions.
way refined table salt is made extracts 82 out of the 84 mineral elements. Why,
if these elements are so good for you, do the salt refineries do this? Normally,
only 7% of the refined salt ends up on your table. The majority of the salt is
sold for industrial use, and has great commercial value.
is used in the silver mining process. Boron is extracted to make anti-knock gasoline
additives and chemical fertilizers. Magnesium is sold to makers
of metal alloys and for explosives. Other chemicals are removed from salt to
make plastics. Then,
after taking all of the natural, but saleable, mineral elements out of the salt, chemicals
are added to bleach it whiter, prevent water absorption while the salt is in the box, and
to make it shake out easier.
The problem with this process is that the chemicals added to
salt to prevent water absorption also prevent it from being properly absorbed in your
why we're hearing that salt's bad for you! Refined salt IS bad for you! It can be
deposited in the joints of your bones, and cause arthritis. Some of it can be deposited in
the walls of your arteries and veins, lymph system ducts, sexual organs, urinary tract, or
glandular system.
Some individuals tend to be more salt sensitive
Considerations for Specific Population Groups
Individuals With Hypertension, Blacks, and Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Some individuals tend to be more salt sensitive than others, including people with hypertension, blacks, and middle-aged and older adults. Because blacks commonly have a relatively low intake of potassium and a high prevalence of elevated blood pressure and salt sensitivity, this population subgroup may especially benefit from an increased dietary intake of potassium. Dietary potassium can lower blood pressure and blunt the effects of salt on blood pressure in some individuals. While salt substitutes containing potassium chloride may be useful for some individuals, they can be harmful to people with certain medical conditions. These individuals should consult a healthcare provider before using salt substitutes.http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document/html/chapter8.htm
*Salt related health problems:
Bamboo Salt is Low in Sodium
Salt is sodium chloride. Food labels list sodium rather than salt content.
When reading a Nutrition Facts Panel on a food product, look for the sodium
content. Foods that are low in sodium (less than 140 mg or 5 percent of the
Daily Value [DV]) are low in salt.
The ranges of sodium content for selected foods available in the retail market. This table is provided to exemplify the importance of reading the food label to determine the sodium content of food, which can vary by several hundreds of milligrams in similar foods.
a All snack foods are regular flavor, salted.
Source: Agricultural Research Service Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 17 and recent manufacturers label data from retail market surveys. Serving sizes were standardized to be comparable among brands within a food. Pizza and bread slices vary in size and weight across brands.
Note: None of the examples provided were labeled low-sodium products.
*Dietary Reference Intakes Table for Minerals:
The ranges of sodium content for selected foods available in the retail market. This table is provided to exemplify the importance of reading the food label to determine the sodium content of food, which can vary by several hundreds of milligrams in similar foods.
Food Group |
Serving Size
Range (mg)
Breads, all types |
1 oz
Frozen pizza, plain, cheese |
4 oz
Frozen vegetables, all types |
� c
Salad dressing, regular fat, all types |
2 Tbsp
Salsa |
2 Tbsp
Soup (tomato), reconstituted |
8 oz
Tomato juice |
8 oz (~1 c)
Potato chipsa |
1 oz (28.4 g)
Tortilla chipsa |
1 oz (28.4 g)
Pretzelsa |
1 oz (28.4 g)
Source: Agricultural Research Service Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 17 and recent manufacturers label data from retail market surveys. Serving sizes were standardized to be comparable among brands within a food. Pizza and bread slices vary in size and weight across brands.
Note: None of the examples provided were labeled low-sodium products.
*Dietary Reference Intakes Table for Minerals:
Hai-O Bamboo Salt Premier Cooking (English)
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier
Cooking Salt Powder
Hai-O bamboo salt uses 100% organic sun-dried salt as its raw material. This natural salt is made of energy seawater generated by the vast underground ore cluster at Yeonpyeong Island and Hyeongjun Peninsular, West Coast of Korea. Hai-O Bamboo Salt Premier is rich in minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and zinc) and contains more than 200 types of trace elements, which not only enrich the nutritional value but also make meals healthier and tastier.
Would Hai-O Bamboo Salt Premier Cooking Salt Powder affect the taste of foods?
No, it would not. Hai-O Bamboo Salt Premier Cooking Salt Powder can even further enrich the nutritional value of food.
Between Hai-O Bamboo Salt and sea salt, which one is better?
The natural ingredient of Hai-O Bamboo Salt is 100% organic sun-dried salt from Korea. The natural salt is poured into a 3-year old bamboo tube and sealed with unpolluted yellow clay. Sealed bamboo tube will be incinerated in kiln with pine firewood to melt and harden the natural salt into a column, as well as to neutralize and remove harmful materials such as heavy metals or impurities. After the burning process, the salt is enriched by essence of pine woods (such as turpentine and pine oil) and bamboo (200 types of essential trace elements) with inorganic metal ions such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, iron and zinc which are essential for human body. Therefore, nutritional value of Hai-O Bamboo Salt is better than sea salt.
Should I stop taking any salt since regular salt is unhealthy?
Salt is one of the essential minerals for our body to maintain normal growth, regulate in vivo water distribution, maintain intra- and extracellular osmotic pressure, synthesize gastric acid, promote gastric acid secretion and improve appetite. It also ensures the acidity and alkalinity necessary for pepsin to play its role, maintains acid-base balance and circulation of body fluid. Hai-O Bamboo Salt does not contain any additive, heavy metals and chemical substance but is rich in minerals and trace elements; therefore Hai-O Bamboo Salt is the ideal replacement for regular salt to maintain a healthy body.
Is extra Hai-O Bamboo Salt needed in cooking to make the dish tasty?
No, it is not necessary because the saltiness of Hai-O Bamboo Salt is the same as regular salt.
Will high-temperature cooking destroy nutrients in Hai-O Bamboo Salt?
No, it will not.
- Enhances intestinal peristalsis and eliminates sedimentary waste.
- Provides minerals and trace elements.
- Regulates biological mechanisms and body systems.
- Regulates acid-base balance and restores body alkalinity.
- Improves restorative capacity.
For more info, contact Mr. Michael handphone: +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Hai-O Bamboo Salt Premier Drink (English)
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier Drink
Hai-O bamboo salt uses 100% organic sun-dried salt as its raw material. This natural salt is made of energy seawater generated by the vast underground ore cluster at Yeonpyeong Island and Hyeongjun Peninsular, West Coast of Korea. The natural salt is poured into a 3-year old bamboo tube and sealed by unpolluted yellow clay. Sealed bamboo tube will be incinerated in kiln with pine firewood to melt and harden the natural salt into a column. Harmful materials such as heavy metals or impurities will be neutralized and removed after the burning process. However, the salt is enriched by essence of pine woods (such as turpentine and pine oil) and bamboo (200 types of essential trace elements) with inorganic metal ions such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, iron and zinc which are essential for human body.
What is the difference between Hai-O Bamboo Salt and regular salt?
The natural ingredient of Hai-O Bamboo Salt is 100% organic sun-dried salt made of energy seawater generated by the vast underground ore cluster at Yeonpyeong Island and Hyeongjun Peninsular, West Coast of Korea. The natural salt is poured into a 3-year old bamboo tube and sealed by unpolluted yellow clay. Sealed bamboo tube will be incinerated in kiln with pine firewood to melt and harden the natural salt into a column. While processing, not only harmful substances (such as heavy metals and chemical substances) have been removed but the nutritional value has also been enriched. However, most chemical processed salt contains high proportion of sodium which harms human body if taken for long term.
*(Table salt is refined salt, 99 percent sodium chloride.[14] It usually contains substances that make it free flowing (anticaking agents) such as sodium silicoaluminate or magnesium carbonate. It is common practice to put a few grains of uncooked rice in salt shakers to absorb extra moisture when anticaking agents are not enough.
[14] Nutritional analysis provided with
Tesco Table Salt, from Tesco Stores Ltd (UK) states 38.9 percent
sodium by weight which equals 98.9 percent sodium chloride)
Is Hai-O Bamboo Salt suitable for children and pregnant women?
Yes, but the dosage should be decreased to 1/4 - 1/2 sachet.
Is Hai-O Bamboo Salt suitable for hypertension patients?
Yes, bamboo salt is low in sodium content, therefore it will not affect blood pressure and the richness of minerals can further improve health.
*( Salt is sodium chloride. Food labels list sodium rather than salt content. When reading a Nutrition Facts Panel on a food product, look for the sodium content. Foods that are low in sodium (less than 140 mg or 5 percent of the Daily Value [DV]) are low in salt.)
What is the pungent smell from Hai-O Bamboo Salt? Does it harm our body?
The unique odor from bamboo salt is the natural smell left by burned bamboo and it does not bring harm to human body.
Can we replace regular salt with Hai-O Bamboo Salt?
Hai-O Bamboo Salt can definitely replace regular salt because it is rich in minerals and trace elements.
- Enhances intestinal peristalsis and eliminates sedimentary waste.
- Provides minerals and trace elements.
- Regulates biological mechanisms and body systems.
- Regulates acid-base balance and restores body alkalinity.
- Improves restorative capacity.
For more info: contact Mr. Michael handphone: +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier Cooking Salt Power
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier Cooking Salt Powder
Hai-O Garam Buluh menggunakan garam dijemur di bawah matahari yang berorganik dan 100% semulajadi sebagai ramuan utamanya. Garam ini diperolehi daripada air laut yang kaya dengan tenaga bijih-bijih bawah tanah Pulau Xiongjin dan Pulau Yanping yang terletak di Pantai Barat Korea. Hai-O Garam Buluh membekalkan lebih banyak bahan mineral (misalnya magnesium, kalium, kuprum, ferum, zink dan sebagainya) dan 200 lebih jenis elemen surih jika berbanding dengan garam biasa. Dengan menggunakan garam buluh yang semulajadi untuk memasak, nilai nutrisi lauk dapat ditingkatkan, lauk juga menjadi lebih enak dan sihat.
Adakah penggunaan Hai-O Garam Buluh untuk memasak akan mempengaruhi rasa lauk?
Tidak, malah akan meningkatkan nilai nutrisi lauk selepas menggunakan Hai-O Garam Buluh untuk memasak.
Antara Hai-O Garam Buluh dengan garam laut, manakah yang lebih baik?
Hai-O Garam Buluh menggunakan garam dijemur di bawah matahari yang berorganik dan 100% semulajadi daripada Korea sebagai ramuan utamanya. Garam semulajadi ini dimasukkan ke dalam buluh yang berusia tiga tahun, kemudian ditutup dengan tanah liat, dimasukkan ke dalam relau bagas, dan dibakar dengan pokok pine. Proses pembakaran dapat meneutralkan atau menyingkirkan bahan berbahaya seperti logam berat dan kotoran yang ada dalam garam, manakala intipati pokok pine (resin pine, minyak pine) dan buluh (200 lebih jenis elemen surih yang diperlukan oleh badan) bercampur ke dalam garam dan menambahkan kandungan ion logam inorganik yang diperlukan oleh badan manusia seperti magnesium, kalsium, kalium, kuprum, ferum, zink dan sebagainya. Nilai nutrisinya adalah lebih tinggi daripada garam laut.
Adakah kita perlu berhenti mengambil garam jika garam biasa dikatakan tidak sihat?
Badan manusia memerlukan garam memandangkan garam adalah bahan yang penting untuk pertumbuhan badan. Ia dapat menyelaras peredaran air yang seimbang di dalam badan, mengekalkan tekanan penembusan dalaman dan luaran membran, sintesis keasidan perut, menggalakkan rembesan jus pencernaan, menambahkah selera. Pada masa yang sama, ia menjamin nilai pH yang diperlukan untuk tindakan enzim protease perut, mengekalkan keseimbangan pH dalam badan dan peredaran normal bendalir tubuh. Hai-O Garam Buluh tidak mengandungi sebarang bahan tambahan, logam berat dan bahan kimia, malah kaya dengan bahan mineral dan elemen surih. Gantikan garam biasa dengan Hai-O Garam Buluh, dapat membekalkan nutrien terbaik untuk badan.
Adakah kuantiti penggunaan yang lebih banyak diperlukan untuk menghasilkan rasa yang sama ketika menggunakan Hai-O Garam Buluh untuk memasak?
Tidak perlu, kemasinan Hai-O Garam Buluh adalah sama dengan garam biasa.
Adakah memasak dengan suhu tinggi akan merosakkan nutrien dalam Hai-O Garam Buluh?
- Menguatkan peristalsis saluran usus, menyingkirkan najis yang lama terkumpul dalam usus.
- Membekalkan bahan mineral dan elemen surih kepada badan manusia.
- Menyelaras fungsi badan supaya sistem badan dapat beroperasi secara normal.
- Menyelaras keseimbangan pH badan, mengembalikan susuk badan yang beralkali lemah.
- Meningkatkan daya pemulihan badan.
Untuk matlumat lanjut, sila hubungi Mr. Michael handphone: +60126399276 / email: haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier Drink (Bahasa Melayu)
Hai-O Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) Premier Drink
Hai-O Garam Buluh menggunakan garam dijemur di bawah matahari yang berorganik dan 100% semulajadi sebagai ramuan utamanya. Garam ini diperolehi daripada air laut yang kaya dengan tenaga bijih-bijih bawah tanah Pulau Xiongjin dan Pulau Yanping yang terletak di Pantai Barat Korea. Garam semulajadi ini dimasukkan ke dalam buluh yang berusia tiga tahun, kemudian ditutup dengan tanah liat, dimasukkan ke dalam relau bagas, dan dibakar dengan pokok pine sehingga buluh dibakar menjadi serbuk dan ketulan garam buluh terbentuk. Selepas proses pembakaran, bahan berbahaya seperti logam berat dan kotoran yang ada dalam garam telah dineutralkan atau disingkirkan, manakala intipati pokok pine (resin pine, minyak pine) dan buluh (200 lebih jenis elemen surih yang diperlukan oleh badan) bercampur ke dalam garam dan menambahkan kandungan ion logam inorganik yang diperlukan oleh badan manusia seperti magnesium, kalsium, kalium, kuprum, ferum, zink dan sebagainya.
Apakah bezanya Hai-O Garam Buluh dengan garam biasa?
Hai-O Garam Buluh menggunakan garam dijemur di bawah matahari yang berorganik dan 100% semulajadi sebagai sumber. Garam ini diperolehi daripada air laut yang kaya dengan tenaga bijih-bijih bawah tanah Pulau Xiongjin dan Pulau Yanping yang terletak di Pantai Barat Korea. Garam semulajadi ini dimasukkan ke dalam buluh yang berusia tiga tahun, kemudian ditutup dengan tanah liat, dimasukkan ke dalam relau bagas, dan dibakar dengan pokok pine sehingga buluh dibakar menjadi serbuk dan ketulan garam buluh terbentuk. Garam buluh telah menyingkirkan bahan berbahaya terhadap badan (misalnya logam berat dan bahan kimia) dalam proses pembuatannya, pada masa yang sama meningkatkan nilai nutrisinya. Kebanyakan garam melalui pemprosesan kimia, kandungan natrium adalah lebih tinggi, justeru itu, pengambilan masa panjang akan memudaratkan kesihatan.
Bolehkah kanak-kanak dan ibu mengandung mengambil Hai-O Garam Buluh?
Boleh, dengan saiz pengambilan yang kurang iaitu ¼ hingga ½ bungkus.
Bolehkah pesakit tekanan darah tinggi mengambil Hai-O Garam Buluh?
Boleh, kandungan natrium dalam garam buluh adalah sangat rendah, tidak akan mempengaruhi tekanan darah. Manakala kandungan bahan mineral yang banyak dapat memperbaiki kesihatan badan.
Hai-O Garam Buluh mempunyai bau yang tidak menyenangkan, apakah bau itu? Adakah ia membahayakan badan manusia?
Bau garam buluh adalah bau semulajadi yang terhasil selepas pembakaran dengan buluh dalam proses pembuatannya. Ia tidak membahayakan badan manusia.
Bolehkah garam makan seharian diganti dengan Hai-O Garam Buluh?
Boleh, Hai-O Garam Buluh kaya dengan bahan mineral dan elemen surih, dapat menggantikan garam biasa sepenuhnya.
- Menguatkan peristalsis saluran usus, menyingkirkan najis yang lama terkumpul dalam usus.
- Membekalkan bahan mineral dan elemen surih kepada badan manusia.
- Menyelaras fungsi badan supaya sistem badan dapat beroperasi secara normal.
- Menyelaras keseimbangan pH badan, mengembalikan susuk badan yang beralkali lemah.
- Meningkatkan daya pemulihan badan.
Apa2 pertanyaan, di persilakan email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk / contact no. +60126399276 Michael
Hai-O Garam Buluh Testimoni 5.wmv
For more info, contact Mr. Michael handphone +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Hai-O Garam Buluh Testimoni 4.wmv
Untuk matlumat lanjut, sila hubungi Mr. Michael handphone +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Hai-O Garam Buluh Testimoni 3.wmv
For more info, contact Mr. Michael handphone +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
Hai-O Garam Buluh Testimoni 1.wmv
Untuk matlumat lanjut, sila hubungi Mr. Michael handphone +60126399276 / email haomin796@yahoo.co.uk
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